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Project Financing

AGIO Prony Resources

In March 2021, AGIO Global Funding Limited (100% owned by Brandhouse) acquired a 15% interest in Prony Resources .....

Goro Mine in New Caledonia holds an estimated 10% of the world's Nickel deposits, which is particularly of interest due to the increase in the demand for the metal for it's use in electric car batteries. TESLA is onboard with the project as technical advisors, as well as the international mining and commodities trader Trafigura. 

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Clean Energy Transfer Fund

The energy sector in Australia is transforming from fossil fuel generation to renewables. Brandhouse views this as a centennial event and has identified significant opportunity. The Clean Energy Transfer Fund realises the true potential of renewable energy generation by providing long-term, fixed price PPAs to renewable projects. The Clean Energy Transfer fund is Climate Bond Certified.


Pacific Nickel

Since inception Brandhouse has been instrumental with regard to guiding management and shareholders of Pacific Nickel mines. Possessing a worldwide network of business collaborators, Brandhouse's Director James Dean has been of particular benefit to the Board of Pacific Nickel is his first-hand knowledge of Pacific Nickel's “Lorena” gold mine and surrounding area gained from being a significant shareholder in that mine since its rebirth in 2009.

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NQ Minerals

NQ Minerals was another successful co-investment for Brandhouse, in the resources sector ! From advising on structured finance to enter, managing relationships during and exit in 2020 after ING refinanced the borrower. 

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