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We provide flexible senior and mezzanine debt solutions to businesses that exhibit compelling growth potential, clear competitive advantages and are supported by strong management teams. We carefully select and structure investments, adopting a disciplined and meticulous approach designed to actively minimise risk and generate appropriate returns.


These transactions are generally funded in unique circumstances where our provision of debt is not in competition with traditional senior lenders. They reflect our ability to:

  • Act quickly, often having evaluated, structured, documented and funded transactions, without compromising security, risk or due diligence requirements;

  • Provide debt facilities, including senior construction facilities, beyond traditional senior gearing levels;

  • Understand, evaluate, assess and mitigate risks and exit opportunities outside of traditional banking paradigms; and/or

  • Structure transactions to incorporate collateral security and other credit enhancing mechanisms, enabling them to proceed where others were unable to do so.


We provide mezzanine funding for business growth and investment assets. The funding is typically:

  • Short-to-medium term in nature, with clearly-defined exits;

  • Supported by debt covenants and personal and corporate guarantees;

  • Well secured by business assets; and

  • In partnership with high quality, experienced and capable counter-parties, business owners and consultants


With a reputation as a responsive and reliable partner that delivers on commitments, we have enjoyed strong demand from investors for equity investment. These investments provide equity returns for Agio Global and our co-investors while supporting our invested businesses expansion.

Our approach represents a considered strategy to build on established relationships, while carefully selecting and structuring transactions to actively reduce risk.

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